Winter News and Updates

We hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Reflecting on last year provides us with a valuable opportunity to acknowledge our aspirations for the year ahead. We are very happy to share that 2023 marked a year of milestones and substantial growth for SARAH Inc.

These milestones included declaring SARAH Inc. as an independent agency, embarking on our full rebranding journey, a brand-new Assistive Technology Program, and expanding our grant writing and fundraising efforts. We also kicked off an important multi-step Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging initiative that will bring positive, long-term changes to the organization.

Our Make a Difference year-end campaign was a resounding success, and we are so thankful for the donors and community partners who donated this year. These donations directly impact each of our programs and the children and adults who benefit from our services.

Thank you again to everyone who joins in our mission to enhance skills and transform lives of all individuals with differing abilities. Please enjoy the details on all of these updates below and we look forward to sharing our progress throughout the year.

Denise Daviau, CEO

Agency Highlights

Make A Difference 2023 Success: Thank You!

We extend our deepest thanks to everyone who made a gift to SARAH Inc. Programs during the 2023 Make A Difference year-end campaign. Your generous gifts surpassed $25,000, providing support to enhance the services and programs we offer to the individuals and families we serve. 

We thank Saybrook Point Resort and MarinaTower Laboratories, Bard Financial Services, Inc., Guilmartin, DiPiro & Sokolowski, LLCThe Lee CompanyDan Combs Real Estate Inc., UniFirstWalt’s Auto RepairWhelen Engineering Company, Inc., and Pat Munger Construction for being matching donors.

Your Contributions Helped Achieve This!

2nd Annual "Look What I Can Do!" Legislative Breakfast Series

This January 16th, 17th, and 18th, we hosted our 2nd Annual SARAH Inc. KIDSTEPS “Look What I Can Do!” Legislative Breakfast Series. Mother nature did not cooperate, but that did not stop us! We successfully held two Zoom meetings and one in-person event in Norwich. 

This event was created to give families who benefit from our Birth to Three services the opportunity to share their personal stories with their legislators. These events led to conversations about the importance of early intervention services and why increased funding is so important to support our communities youngest members.

We thank the families, staff, and legislators who made these events a success, both on Zoom and in person! We thank Representative Moira Rader, Representative Kathy Kennedy, Representative Robin Comey, Representative Kathleen McCarty, Representative Holly Cheeseman, Karen Gerboth, SARAH Inc. Board member, and Carol Scully, Director of Advocacy, The Arc Connecticut, for taking the time to hear from families about the positive impact that early intervention services had on them. Additionally, we thank Representative Liz Linehan for her supportive message.

ANCOR 2023

In October 2023, George Reid-Perry, Chief Program Officer, Adult Services, and Amber Boroski, Director of Employment Services attended the ANCOR Annual Summit. Participating in the ANCOR policy summit enables SARAH Inc. to weigh in at the Federal level on important proposed legislation that impacts our ability to provide services daily.

“This year’s summit focused on ways to improve and increase access to services, increasing the investment in HCBS (Home and Community-Based Services) funding, and the SOC (Standard Occupational Classification)  bill which looks to create a standard classification for the role of Direct Support Professional.

With ANCOR’s support, we are afforded the opportunity to sit down with the legislative bodies that represent CT on the Federal level, such as our two Senators (Blumenthal and Murphy) and House representatives. 

Advocacy in this manner is crucial to our services to ensure Federal decisions are taking into consideration the unique challenges the I/DD field has experienced over the past few years. If we are not actively involved in the process, then we cannot shape future policy-making,” said Reid-Perry.

New This Summer! Camp Connect

We are excited to announce the launch of Camp Connect this summer for a unique experience for young adults with autism, ages 16 to 18 held at Oxford Academy in Westbrook, CT.

Fun summer experiences will include culinary arts, music and art therapy, peer skill building, day trips, community outings, and more.

Camp Connect Image

Thank You to Our Camp Connect Scholarship Fund Donor!

We want to thank Charles IT for being our first donor to the Camp Connect Scholarship Fund. If you are interested in additional information on supporting the fund, please contact Priscilla Clark at

Adult Services

New Assistive Technology Program!

SARAH Inc. recognizes the value of integrating technology into the lives of those supported as a means of fostering more independence in all aspects of an individual’s life.

With the launch of our new Assistive Technology department, we will have the ability to provide assessments, training, and facilitate installation of AT across all aspects of an individual’s life. This will allow for the opportunity to provide another level of support aligning with our services across the lifespan approach.

Special Thanks!

We want to give another special thanks to Charles IT for their ongoing support of our Assistive Technology Lab! We sincerely appreciate their commitment, which plays a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the resources available in our Assistive Technology department.

Employment Services

Anthony's Employment Success Story

Anthony is currently in the Individualized Supported Employment Program (ISE) at SARAH Inc. The program has been instrumental in providing him with tailored employment support at his job as a produce clerk at Shoprite in Clinton. In this role, Anthony is responsible for preparing, packaging, pricing, and displaying fruits and vegetables.

Beyond his professional life, Anthony dedicates his time to volunteering at the Coast Guard Auxiliary, focusing on recruitment and public affairs. Additionally, Anthony volunteers with Sail Access in Westbrook, aiding individuals with disabilities in learning and becoming comfortable with boating skills. Anthony’s dedication also extends to his personal interests, with a keen passion for woodworking and boating.

Employment Program Holiday Party

SARAH Inc. Employment Services kicked off the holiday festivities with a party at the Shelton Community Center. Individuals in our Employment Programs took the opportunity to pose in the winter-themed photo booth.

Following the fun photo session, they engaged in creative activities such as crafting personalized holiday cards. The festive spirit continued as individuals indulged in the joy of holiday baking, creating delicious and heartwarming cookies to share and savor. Overall, it was a day filled with festive fun for individuals and staff, creating lasting memories for everyone involved.

Enrichment Services

Nourish and Nosh

Individuals from our Madison and Westbrook Enrichment Programs engaged in a Nourish and Nosh workshop, led by Kara Pachniuk. This class, which is part of a series, spotlighted the sugar content present in assorted beverages, emphasizing sodas.

The attendees actively engaged in a hands-on exercise, evaluating and contrasting the sugar quantities in their favorite drinks. This engaging activity offered revealing perspectives on their daily sugar intake via beverages. Nourish and Nosh continues to deliver weekly classes at our Westbrook and Madison Enrichment Programs focused on nutrition and movement.

The Nourish & Nosh Program is funded by The Madison Foundation and generous supporters in the community.

Guilford Art Center

This winter, individuals from our Madison and Westbrook Enrichment Programs started taking monthly art lessons at the Guilford Art Center.

So far, individuals have not only gained proficiency in the accurate application of oil pastels but have also mastered an innovative art technique known as texture rubbing. Each individual from our programs looks forward to attending art class each month to unleash and express their creativity.

We thank the Guilford Art Center for providing individuals with the opportunity to learn and truly thrive in their creative endeavors.

Celebrating Kwanzaa in North Haven

Individuals from our North Haven Program learned about the beautiful celebration of Kwanzaa, from the holiday’s rich history to its cultural significance. Afterward, everyone came together to craft their own Kinara. Through this hands-on experience, individuals not only deepened their understanding of Kwanzaa but also forged stronger connections with one another, creating a sense of togetherness.

Holiday Bash

SARAH Inc. hosted its 2nd annual Holiday Bash in December. Individuals from the Region 4 Transition, Old Saybrook School System, and Westbrook School Systems visited our Westbrook location to celebrate this year’s Holiday Bash. Everyone participated in fun winter-themed activities such as decorating sugar cookies, face painting, sensory snow globe, cornhole and much more. 

KIDSTEPS Early Intervention Services

How KIDSTEPS Helped Kylee Thrive

“Kylee was born premature and had neonatal abstinence syndrome. He had low birth weight and began B23 at two months old. Kylee had a lot of doctor’s appointments and was doing the NIC grad program. At first, he was struggling with sitting up on his own and crawling. As a family, we were given strategies by Martina and Siobhan to help him sit up and crawl. He stayed in the crawling stage for a while, but he learned to walk by 18 months with the help of family like great aunt Sharon and his older siblings. He is running now! I went to a recent doctor’s appointment, and I was told by the doctor that Kylee is two months advanced for his age developmental in the areas of motor and cognition. He is using a lot of words to express himself, and he is a miracle from God. Kylee sings and does the actions from all the nursery rhymes. He even listens to songs in other languages, too, but he loves “Wheels on the Bus.” Thanks to Martina for being supportive and a part of our family.

I was blessed to be given guardianship, and Kylee has been thriving.”

– Kylee’s maternal great-grandmother

7th Annual Nonprofit Stars Align Awards

SARAH Inc. was privileged to participate in the 7th Annual Nonprofit Stars Align Awards 2023 Breakfast, which was part of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Big Connect Event. It brings us immense joy to announce and celebrate the remarkable achievement of Annamarie Ciccarello (Pictured in the middle), a dedicated SARAH Inc. KIDSTEPS team member. 

In a field of exceptional professionals, Annamarie was honored as one of the three recipients to receive the “Graduate Student Grant.” We extend our congratulations to Annamarie for this well-deserved acknowledgment. SARAH Inc. takes pride in having talented and dedicated staff members like Annamaire.

Thank You Grant Funders!

The KIDSTEPS team wishes to express heartfelt thanks for the significant support received from the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, American Savings Foundation, Community Chest of New Britain and Berlin, and the Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Community Grants Program.

How to Request an Evaluation

To request a Birth to Three early intervention evaluation, you can:
A) Call the toll-free intake phone number at Child Development Infoline at 1-800-505-7000
B) Complete the online referral form on the Birth to Three System website
C) Download the referral form from the Birth to Three website and fax your referral to 1-800-571-6853

If you would like KIDSTEPS to provide the evaluation, you must request us by name during the intake process. Otherwise, your child will be assigned to the program in your town that is next on rotation. If you have any questions, please contact us at 203-453-7592.

Join Our Team

We are hiring! At SARAH Inc., we provide the highest-quality services to hundreds of children and adults with differing abilities across the state of Connecticut. 

If you have any questions about an open role, please do not hesitate to contact us at before you submit your application. We look forward to hearing from you!

Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program

We are very excited to announce we have been selected again for the 2024 Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program.

During the month of February, customers (any person having a loan, deposit account, or safe deposit box with Essex Savings Bank) can each complete one ballot form to vote for up to three non-profit organizations.

If you would like to give a gift directly, you can do so by sending a check or via our online portal.

Checks can be made out to “SARAH Inc.” They can be mailed to our Administrative Office at 1620 Boston Post Rd, Suite #200, Westbrook, CT 06498.

If you’re interested in directing your support towards a specific SARAH Inc. program, please feel free to reach out to Priscilla Clark at Your support is invaluable.

Be sure to follow us on social media for continuous updates!